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Local offer



The aim of this document is to enable families to see the support that they will receive for their child with SEND in our setting. It will provide information about what we already have in place to enable each child in our setting to achieve their full potential and to meet their individual needs within a framework which ensures equality of opportunity for all children and families.

Our setting

We are a fully inclusive setting, able to meet the needs of children with SEND.  Our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is fully trained and experienced.

We treat every child as an individual and each child is allocated a key person who will work with both the child and the parents.

Our approach to supporting the learning and development of your child

Each child has a key person who will help them settle into the group whilst building up positive relationships, understanding their needs, care routines, interests and learning styles. This information will be gathered through the Welcome Pack and All About Me form. Through continual observations, we can then plan the child’s next steps and also identify any concerns which we will then share with you.

Any concerns will be raised with the SENCO  who will work closely with the key person and Area SENCO to differentiate resources/activities, adapting and supporting, in order for your child to achieve.

If, after talking to you, we feel that additional help is required we will sit together and put an Individual Learning and Provisional Plan (ILPP) in place to meet their unique requirements. All progress will be recorded and shared with you.

This process will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated with you and any other professionals on a regular basis.

Specialist services and expertise accessed by our setting

Our SENCO will contact other professionals if required, with the parents’ permission, to gain further advice and strategies to support your child.  These could include the Area SENCO, local Health Visitor, Speech and Language Therapist and local Children’s Centre.


Our accessible environment

Our building is accessible to all, including wheelchairs and pushchairs and there is a disabled toilet available with changing facilities. There is a smooth floor surface both inside and outside, with good natural lighting.  Children may just need some support to access our outdoor area as we do not have a ramp at present although we are attempting to obtain one.  There is a large car park outside our building for ease of access if driving and a path from local houses in the village.

Staff have attended courses on ‘English as an additional language’ and the setting embraces different cultures, celebrating Christian and non-Christian festivals and we have a culture box with items from around the world.  Signs are put up around the room in different languages and there are bi-lingual books.


How our setting supports the physical and emotional wellbeing of young children with SEND

Our setting has SEN policies and procedures that are reviewed regularly and these include the administration of any medication required and providing personal care.  Daily risk assessments are undertaken to ensure the safety of all children.  A daily register is taken on arrival and departure and no child is allowed to leave with an adult unknown to the pre-school unless they can supply the child’s password, chosen by the parents and the parent has notified the setting in advance.

We have a positive approach to supporting behaviour.  We encourage co-operative play between all children, helping them to understand and respect others.

 We consider ourselves to be a safe, happy, secure and stimulating environment where children gain from the social experiences of being part of a group.


How our setting organises its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND

Staff are deployed on a one-to-one basis for children with SEND if they are eligible for the SEN premium and this additional payment has been agreed. All staff use Makaton sign language and encourage all children to participate.   We work closely with parents and endeavour to provide resources to implement our Special Educational Needs Policy and we use outside agencies where necessary.  We offer a visual daily timetable to help children make choices and help them understand the routine of the day, offering structure on what is happening now and what is coming next.

We promote children’s personal, social and emotional skills, building on what they already do and creating new challenges to build their confidence and self-esteem


Staff training and experience in supporting young children with SEND

All key workers are experienced and qualified practitioners who are given access to training on a regular basis.

We also have an Equality Named Co-ordinator (ENCO).  

All staff are fully trained in Paediatric First Aid.  All have obtained level 2 Safeguarding with two members of staff having level 3 Safeguarding training.  Two members of staff have attended level 2 Health and Safety courses.  All staff have also attended the Early Language Development Programme training to enable them to support early language development and identify any concerns.

How our setting prepares and supports young children with SEND when joining the setting and when transferring to another setting or school

Prior to your child starting pre-school you and your child will be invited to visit the setting in session. 

This will allow your child time to play and become familiar with the environment and for you to meet your key worker and staff.

Care routines will be discussed prior to starting pre-school, including nappy changing.

We will work closely with you so that you feel you can stay as long as necessary in order for your child to settle.

If your child transfers to another setting or school we will work closely with you and share information with the other setting, including the next steps, to ensure a smooth transition.  We have a good relationship with the local primary school and attend transition sessions leading up to moving on to primary school and encourage the teachers to visit us in our setting.


How we involve all parents/carers in our setting and work in partnership with them

We value and respect the knowledge you have on your child and would like to work with you to ensure that your child becomes an active and independent learner through play.

From the outset your key person will ask you to complete key information regarding your child, helping us to understand their interests, likes, dislikes, favourite games and places.


You will be invited to attend regular meetings to discuss your child’s progress. 

Each child has their own learning journey with work that has been compiled throughout each term; this includes drawings, paintings, written observations and photographs. 

You have access to your child’s Learning Journey at the end of every session and can also discuss your child’s development and next steps with the key person.

We operate an open-door policy and a member of staff is always available to answer any concerns you may have, before and after a session.

We have good relationships with other services within and around our community and can help you by accessing the toddler group, School, Health Visitor and Local Children’s Centre.

We follow the principles of Early Support.

We work with all professionals as required for each child and always encourage these professionals to come and visit during the session opening hours.

We are a registered charity run by a committee and every parent/carer automatically becomes a member of the committee and can attend meetings and get involved in decision making and fundraising.  We have a strong relationship with the committee and keep parents informed of everything going on with a half-termly newsletter.

Who to contact for further information

If you would like to find out more about the support provided for children with SEND , please contact our Supervisor, Diane Batt or SENCO supervisor,  by ringing our setting during any morning on 07732 951613, or by email to  Alternatively further information about our setting, including our Local Offer, can be found on our website

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